Kershaw Instrumentation LLC
Kershaw Instrumentation LLC

Inkometer Model E2000

This instrument measures the tack of printing inks. Based on the familiar Electronic Inkometer design, this machine has been upgraded with newer, more highly-functional components and converted to improve operating functions, stability, and accuracy.



Inkometer - Model E-2000 Data Sheet
E-2000 Data Sheet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [183.2 KB]
Inkometer - Model E-2000 Price List
eled inko conv price list.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [42.3 KB]
Inkometer - Model E-2000 Parts List
Electronic Inkometer Parts 101,106.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [120.2 KB]
Inkometer - Model E-2000 Manual
E2000,E2006 instructions V2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [5.0 MB]
Inkometer - Model E-2000 Optional Data Printer
A4 DP200 Printer.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]
Inkometer - Model E-2000 Optional Computer Interface
A3 TMS Description.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [298.5 KB]
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